Start Your First Blog Today!

Are you a writer ? Or you like sharing your stuffs with friends ?
Or you are a micro-blogger who posts stuff on Facebook and Twitter ?
Everyone who likes sharing write-ups, videos, images etc, are now switching to a better section, BLOGS! Are you also looking to start your first blog ? We can help you do it today!

Before we move forward, we should understand what a blog is and who use it or who write it! and who read it!

Definition of blog

A blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first. It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on some subject.

The content of a blog typically includes text, pictures, videos, animated GIFs and even scans from old physical offline diaries or journals and other hard copy documents. Since a blog can exist merely for personal use, sharing information with an exclusive group or to engage the public, a blog owner can set their blog for private or public access.

meaning of “blog”

Who writes a blog ?

The answer is simple! anyone can start a blog who want to share any sort of information online. Generally, news channels, journalists, technical geeks, politicians, writers, teachers, students and other professionals write a blog.

Blogger writing a blog

Anyone who writes on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social site should start their own blog. It will be personal and highly customizable. On a social blogging sites you don’t get options to customize your content properly, you have restrictions over writing content. But when you use your own blog, you feel the freedom of customization, and can personalize the entire blog.

You can write content, post images, videos, documents etc. whatever you like. Your blogs can be one stop solution for stuffs like education, political etc. stuffs.

Who reads a blog ?

Almost everyone who surfs on internet reads a blog. It can be either a micro-blog like Twitter or a complete blog like Your-story.

If you search over internet, any content, you get write-up over websites that belongs to different blog categories.

Jotting stuffs from a blog

Students search for online tutorials and land over different blogging sites that provide write-ups, video lectures, etc You can create a blog to teach stuffs online. You can create blog dedicated to some topic like this one – Javascript

How to start a blog ?

There can be different ways to start a blog! Many can suggest to start from free platforms like blogger. But we will not!

How to Start a blog

If you are planning to start a blog, you should set a long term goal with it. A blog is not only to share information, it also creates your presence over internet. You can also earn selling the content of your blogs. Multiple options like posting advertisements on the blog can also be an option to earn.

You should opt for setting up your own website, rather using a blow with blogger or some other site. As said earlier, a blog is build for setting up freedom to the blogger. If you opt for setting up your blogs with a some fixed blog, you will get fixed functionality.

To start, you need to choose a good name and search for domain name availability. You can search for a domain here.

Once you find a good name, you should opt for setting up your web blog. To set up a blog, you should purchase hosting. You can search for good hosting plans and SSL here.

Once you have bought the requirements, you are ready to go with setting up your first blog.

Install WordPress on your hosting. To learn more about installing WordPress on the hosting, follow the steps mentioned in this blog post

Once you are done with the installation, you can start setting up your blog information by visiting your domain name and you are ready to go with your first blog post.

If you are looking for support, you can connect with us and get help from professionals here, You can also ask for quotes from our team here

Our team will be happy to setup your first blog.

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