How to check website statistics in CLOUDPOKO web hosting?

At CLOUDPOKO, we value the concept of analysis of data and do provide proper statistics of each and every detail of your hosting account domain and subdomain wise.

Reading statistics is a great way to generate valuable traffic by analyzing the total requests served by your website to your customers based on multiple parameters.

In CWP you can get statistics based on the domain name, frequency, and date. To check the statistics you need to login into the CWP Control panel. You can learn how to login here.

Once you are logged in, navigate to the CWP Settings -> Statistics, this will take you to the Statistics section. Here you can choose the domain name for which you want the statistics, the frequency (daily, weekly, monthly), and the date to generate the statistics.

In the statistics dashboard, you can check the details based on multiple parameters as below:

The analysis of the statistics will help you generate more valuable traffic by making your content more valuable to your clients and search engines.

If in case you are looking for better suggestions based on the statistics you can always approach the CLOUDPOKO team and they will help you resolve your queries.

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