E-Commerce: Want to sell online?

It is always a good idea to move your business with the latest trend. Today, when the entire world is moving towards the digital world, a good business idea will be to move online.

There are multiple platforms available where you can sell your products online like Flipkart, Amazon etc.

On these platforms, you can start selling your products by simply registering with them and listing your products on their portal. But! there are few things that might make you concerned while doing business with third party platforms

and a lot more reasons can be there when you do not find the ready to use market fruitful for you.

So, What’s Next?

Here is a great solution for people who want to sell their products online without giving the controls to anyone else’s hand. We will walk you through setting up your own e-com website using different platforms, without use of any coding.

We assume that you are a complete beginner and you don’t have any prior idea about website development. So, let’s get started!

What are the requirements to develop an e-commence website?

There are basically a few basic requirements that are required for setting up an e-com platform. You will require to purchase it from one of the many service providers out there.
But, we suggest to go for a good service provider, and while talking about the requirements, we’ll love to suggest you the best ones as per our experiences.

You can buy Domain name, Web hosting and SSL from CLOUDPOKO.COM, as this is one of our trusted service providers.

Moving forward, after purchasing the domain, hosting, and SSL we come to our next question.

How to setup our E-Com website?

We assuming that you purchased the hosting from CLOUDPOKO.COM, you will log into your hosting panel (Control Web Panel – CWP panel). You will get an option in the left side menu bar named “Script Installer“. Click on it and you will find a sub-menu named “Softaculous“. Click on it and you are in.

Here you will get options to install 400+ software from the list in front of you. All the software you see are open-source or free to use. So, no issues of paying to use it. Although, in some cases you need to either buy a pro version or move to a subscription for getting the full feature of software.

But hey! we do not need to buy anything now. You can choose to either setup a shopping card directly or opt for WooCommerce setup in WordPress.

In both the cases, it’s too simple and everything start working in just a few clicks.

So, either go to the e-com section in the left menu of Softaculous and choose one of the software to install, or find WordPress and click on install.

We believe, you installed the WordPress. Once your installation is complete, go to the admin section by logging in. Generally, the default path for login page is http://your-domain-name/wp-admin/

Once you are logged in, go to the plugin section and click on add new button. Now search for WooCommerce. You will find multiple plugins when you hit the search keyword. Click on the install button next to the WooCommerce plugin.

It might take some time to get installed, once installed, the install button will change to activate button. Hit it and follow the WooCommerce setup guide. This setup is similar to WordPress installation and will ask you to setup some basic details of your E-commerce website. Fill the details and complete setup.

After the setup is complete, you are good to go with your brand new E-Com website. You can now add your products and start selling it online.

You will require to set up a payment gateway, or you can skip it if you want to work on the Cash on Delivery (COD) model.

It is simple and can be done just in some time. You should start selling your products today! In case you need support, find us here

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